Graphene | "By 2030 Smartphones Will Be Built Into Bodies." - Pekka Lundmark (Nokia CEO) | What Is Patent US-9539-210B2? Vaccine Nanotechnology | GA Tech Produces First Working, Scalable Semiconductor Created from Graphene (1/4/2024)
CERN | What Is CERN Working On? Why Is CERN Located In Geneva, Switzerland Where Satans Dwells (Revelation 9:11 & Revelation 2:13)? + READ THIS:
The Epstein Awards | Graphene | Researchers At GA Tech Have Produced a Working, Scalable Semiconductor Created from Graphene for the First Time (1/4/2024) | "By 2030, the Smartphone Will Be Built Into Our Bodies." - Lundmark (Nokia)
Graphene Oxide | How Does Graphene Oxide React Phone Calls? "The Smartphone As We Know It Today Will Not Be the Most Common Interface. Many of These Things Will Be Built Directly Into Our Bodies." - Pekka Lundmark