Entrepreneurship Podcasts | The Importance of Product, Service Design & Life Design + "Pay Attention to Design. We Made Buttons on the Screen Look So Good You'll Want to Lick Them. Design Is How it Works." - Steve Jobs (Apple Co-Founder
FULL: Steve Bannon Interviewed By Jimmy Dore—Conservative and Liberal [Not Wokeist] Converse Efficiently Once Again! | Bannon: Trump’s Assassination Attempt Was An Inside Job and WE WANT ANSWERS, Rarely Known TRUTHS About Jeffrey Epstein, and More!
Entrepreneurship Podcasts | Success Requires INTENSITY & FOCUS (F.O.C.U.S) + “Be A Yardstick of Quality. Some People Aren't Used to An Environment Where Excellence Is Expected.” - Steve Jobs (Co-Founder of Apple & former CEO of PIXAR)
Business Podcast | Leadership 101 | "There Needs to Be Someone That Is the Keeper & Reiterater of the Vision." - Steve Jobs (Co-Founder of Apple) + Power of Merit-Based Pay + Tebow Joins Clay Clark's Dec 5-6 Business Workshop
#71 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: STEVE DEACE & ERIC METAXAS - The Spiritual Attacks Since The Release of "Nefarious" Which Almost Killed Steve Twice + Amazing Inspirational Advice & Words Of Wisdom From GOD!
Business Podcast | How to Optimize Websites & Build Dream Teams | "I noticed that the dynamic range between what an average person could accomplish & what the best person could accomplish was 50 or 100.” - Steve Jobs + TipTopK9.com Success
Steve Jobs | “Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” - (Co-Founder of Apple) + Scaling 101
#89 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Jim Caviezel & The Sound of Freedom Movie - Child Sex Slave Trafficking, Adrenochrome & MORE FACTS, TRUTH & HORRORS! 1st Appearance On The War Room With Steve Bannon
#91 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: The Sound Of Freedom Producer Eduardo Verastegui on The War Room With Steve Bannon | How His Faith Gives Him Strength To EXPOSE The TRUTH About Child Sex Slave Trafficking & Why We All Need To PRAY & GET LOUD!