The Great Reset Versus the Great ReAwakening | The Christian Prophets Versus Yuval Noah Harari (The Man Praised By Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, the New York Times, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, TEDTalks, James Corden, etc.)
LOCKDOWN | Lockdown 2.0 | Neil Ferguson Is Back!!! The Man Who Falsely Made the COVID-19 Models That Predicted 2.2 Million Americans Would Die from COVID-19 Is Back!!! NOTE: The WHO are about to seize health sovereignty from 194 nations.
🔥🔥 REVOLT Against Trans-Madness In Women’s Sports - FIVE NCAA Girls Volleyball Teams Vote To Forfeit Games Over A Trans Player! Is 4th Wave Feminism Imminent?🔥🔥
COVID-19 Vaccines | Is the World Economic Forum Trying to Re-Create Man In the Image of Man? | Daniel 2:41-44 + Why Is Joe Rogan Reading Revelation Chapter 13 On HIs Podcast? + 1st Thess 5:1-11
Aliens | Why Is An Alien Narrative Now Being Pushed By the Mainstream Media? Why Did A German Engineer Predict a Man Named ‘Elon’ Would Conquer Mars In 1952 a Novel? What Is Operation BlueBeam? What Is VOICE OF GOD Technology?