1. summer mode, pull and event stuff

    summer mode, pull and event stuff

  2. level 15, shiro and kuro also japan server

    level 15, shiro and kuro also japan server

  3. Challenge mode and momo talk after that

    Challenge mode and momo talk after that

  4. Challenge mode and task after that before new total assault

    Challenge mode and task after that before new total assault

  5. Eden Trinity Story and total assault of some kind of god

    Eden Trinity Story and total assault of some kind of god

  6. prepare for challenge and go japan server after that

    prepare for challenge and go japan server after that

  7. play challenge mode and go japan server after that

    play challenge mode and go japan server after that

  8. last challenge mode and japan server i guess

    last challenge mode and japan server i guess

  9. jp server and momo talk

    jp server and momo talk

  10. Eden Treaty Story

    Eden Treaty Story

  11. JP event and challenge Mode

    JP event and challenge Mode

  12. Tag Event and New PVP

    Tag Event and New PVP

  13. Still Tag event and summer time in JP

    Still Tag event and summer time in JP

  14. Last Tag Event and Still Hot Summer in JP

    Last Tag Event and Still Hot Summer in JP

  15. still summer mode, total assault and japan server thing

    still summer mode, total assault and japan server thing

  16. last summer, mission 14-3H and japan event stuff

    last summer, mission 14-3H and japan event stuff

  17. Slapstick Sister and Magician of the Old Bookstore and Global Version Mission

    Slapstick Sister and Magician of the Old Bookstore and Global Version Mission

  18. play challenge mode and jp server ones

    play challenge mode and jp server ones

  19. we fight power rangers and Gundam at the same time and summer thing

    we fight power rangers and Gundam at the same time and summer thing

  20. summer story, momo talk and japan server thing

    summer story, momo talk and japan server thing

  21. short summer story and japan server

    short summer story and japan server

  22. last summer story and japan server

    last summer story and japan server

  23. no more summer story straight to japan server then

    no more summer story straight to japan server then

  24. I am really late to the Tea Party

    I am really late to the Tea Party