1. Samael Weor- "Dream Yoga-Consciousness, Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming" [Full Audiobook]

    Samael Weor- "Dream Yoga-Consciousness, Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming" [Full Audiobook]

  2. HANS JONAS-The Gnostic Religion and the Message of the Alien God [FULL AUDIOBOOK]

    HANS JONAS-The Gnostic Religion and the Message of the Alien God [FULL AUDIOBOOK]

  3. [Manly P. Hall] Influence of Hermetic Tradition Upon Christianity

    [Manly P. Hall] Influence of Hermetic Tradition Upon Christianity

  4. KALI YUGA by Savitri Devi [FULL AUDIOBOOK] (See important description below!)

    KALI YUGA by Savitri Devi [FULL AUDIOBOOK] (See important description below!)

  5. Ancient Fish Gods Who Came From the Sea to Teach Civilization to Primitive Humanity

    Ancient Fish Gods Who Came From the Sea to Teach Civilization to Primitive Humanity

  6. Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path by Dr. Rudolf Steiner [FULL AUDIOBOOK]

    Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path by Dr. Rudolf Steiner [FULL AUDIOBOOK]

  7. Knowledge about Adre**chrom*, Moloch and the "Red Shoes" [SEE DESCRIPTION BELOW]

    Knowledge about Adre**chrom*, Moloch and the "Red Shoes" [SEE DESCRIPTION BELOW]

  8. The Black Magick of CHANG SHAMBALLAH (Very Important Information in this Spiritual War)

    The Black Magick of CHANG SHAMBALLAH (Very Important Information in this Spiritual War)

  9. Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation by Dr. Rudolf Steiner [FULL AUDIOBOOK]

    Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation by Dr. Rudolf Steiner [FULL AUDIOBOOK]

  10. The LABYRINTH OF ILLUSIONS [Liberate Thyself from Psycho-Social Magic prisons!]

    The LABYRINTH OF ILLUSIONS [Liberate Thyself from Psycho-Social Magic prisons!]

  11. Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation by Dr. Rudolf Steiner [FULL AUDIOBOOK]

    Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation by Dr. Rudolf Steiner [FULL AUDIOBOOK]

  12. The Masonic Order And The Secret History Of The Royal Art [AGRIPPAS DIARY] (SEE DESCRIPTION BELOW!)

    The Masonic Order And The Secret History Of The Royal Art [AGRIPPAS DIARY] (SEE DESCRIPTION BELOW!)

  13. Of Errors and Truth by Louis Claude de Saint Martin [FULL AUDIOBOOK]

    Of Errors and Truth by Louis Claude de Saint Martin [FULL AUDIOBOOK]
