#328 Maricopa County Is MISSING 130,000 Ballots, ERASED Results & ILLEGALLY Recounted 20% Of Vote Centers + Kari Lake WON Arizona! Senate Can CALL Hearing To INVESTIGATE Massive Election Maladministration! ONLY Need 1 US SENATOR…DEMAND IT! | SG ANON
#293 Maricopa County ADMITS It BROKE THE LAW & Has NO REPORTS To Verify Their “Claimed” Amount Of How Many Voters Checked-In At The Polls Nov 8 + REPUBLICANS KNEW IT – Gina Swoboda AZGop, RNC, MCRC, Asst AG, Kari Lake’s Attys & Team!
#163 Fraudulent Elections, Child Sex Slave Trafficking, What's Really Going On In America, Get On Your Knees & Pray + How We The People Can Take Back Our Country | MICHELE SWINICK & THE PATRIOT PARTY NEWS LADIES