Origins of “Relationships”, Kingdoms, Pedophilia, Monogamy (Not That it’s Bad) + Why Relationships Repeat (w/ Same or Different Person), and a Meditation. | Very Sophisticated Info Likely Extremely Uncomfortable for Most! — Matías De Stefano
How Atlanteans Treated/Approached Birth and Death, Learning How Bad OR Good People Could Ascend OR Descend (What Does That Depend on?), How Exactly We Choose Our Parents, Past Lives/Reincarnation Explained Precisely, and More—All Explained From MEMORY!
Global Elite Manifesto: The End Game in Henry Kissinger’s Own Words (NOTE: Elitists’ Opinions, Goals, and Desires Do Not Equate the Future—BUT Who’s Knowledge of Law of Attraction is Better? Yours? See Video Linked in Description For the Answer.)