1. Dave Talks #565 - The Psychotic Left. They Give Zero F*cks To Harm They Have Done.

    Dave Talks #565 - The Psychotic Left. They Give Zero F*cks To Harm They Have Done.

  2. Dave Talks #567 - Naturally Acquired immunity is Superior.

    Dave Talks #567 - Naturally Acquired immunity is Superior.

  3. Dave Talks #568 - Antigun Alex Has Shot and Killed More People Than NRA.

    Dave Talks #568 - Antigun Alex Has Shot and Killed More People Than NRA.

  4. Dave Talks #571 - The Covid Vaccine Is A Massive Fraud.

    Dave Talks #571 - The Covid Vaccine Is A Massive Fraud.

  5. Dave Talks #570 - America Isn't Racist. It's Always Been The Left.

    Dave Talks #570 - America Isn't Racist. It's Always Been The Left.

  6. Dave Talks #572 - The Slow Death of The Biden Reigme.

    Dave Talks #572 - The Slow Death of The Biden Reigme.

  7. Dave Talks #584 - The Adults Are In Charge. Yes. Joe Is A Dolt.

    Dave Talks #584 - The Adults Are In Charge. Yes. Joe Is A Dolt.

  8. Dave Talks #586 - Democrats Are Destroying Everything On Purpose.

    Dave Talks #586 - Democrats Are Destroying Everything On Purpose.

  9. Dave Talks #787 - Replacement Theory. How China is Taking Over The UN.

    Dave Talks #787 - Replacement Theory. How China is Taking Over The UN.

  10. Dave Talks #792 - The Truth about Q, Dominion, Antifa, Ukraine, and Jan 6 Show Trial.

    Dave Talks #792 - The Truth about Q, Dominion, Antifa, Ukraine, and Jan 6 Show Trial.

  11. Dave Talks #500 - Only Fans/Covid/Afghanistan/Jan 6th.

    Dave Talks #500 - Only Fans/Covid/Afghanistan/Jan 6th.

  12. Dave Talks #503 - THe Left's Biggest Lie. They Claim To Care.

    Dave Talks #503 - THe Left's Biggest Lie. They Claim To Care.

  13. Dave Talks #504 - We Keep Tolerating Stupid. Particapte Or Perish.

    Dave Talks #504 - We Keep Tolerating Stupid. Particapte Or Perish.

  14. Dave Talks #512 - Liberalism Always Morphs Into Socialism.

    Dave Talks #512 - Liberalism Always Morphs Into Socialism.

  15. Dave Talks #518 - Multiculturalism Invites Invasion.

    Dave Talks #518 - Multiculturalism Invites Invasion.

  16. Dave Talks #519 - Democrats In A Panic. China Out Foxed Them All.

    Dave Talks #519 - Democrats In A Panic. China Out Foxed Them All.

  17. Dave Talks #521 - In Case You Didn't Know. Joe Tells You He Is Not On America's Side.

    Dave Talks #521 - In Case You Didn't Know. Joe Tells You He Is Not On America's Side.
