1 year ago🔵VSOF Status Docs class Part 2. How to claim your estate and your sovereignty. | VSOF Master Class.Vocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔵Federal Color of Title act. How the feds have tried to change Allodial title into a fee. 2021-08-21Vocational Science of Freedom
1 year agoHow to ‘Ban The Jab’ & Take Down the Criminal Cabal Behind it | Liberty Hour Ep. 42NationalARM
3 years agoDeSantis FIGHTS Supreme Court on VAX MANDATES. Ron fights to save Healthcare workers lives.InspoNews
1 year ago🔵Part 2. Rebuttable Presumptions, How tyrants and black robed priests enslave the world.Vocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔵Part 3. Rebuttable Presumptions, How tyrants and black robed priests enslave the world.Vocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔵The Destruction of American part 1. The New (bad) deal, what happened in 1933 | VSOF C&S classVocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔵History of Land Title in America. | VSOF Sat civics and sovereignty class.Vocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔵Magna Carta (4) Overview and analysis | VSOF Sat Civics & Sovereignty class 2022-12-21Vocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔵U.S.A. The Republic that no one lives in-Part 8. | VSOF Civics and Sovereignty ClassVocational Science of Freedom
1 year ago🔵Part 1. Rebuttable Presumptions, How tyrants and black robed priests enslave the world.Vocational Science of Freedom
4 months agoNation of Secrets: The Threat to Democracy and the American Way of Life (2007)The Memory Hole
1 year ago🟢How the El-ite Control Your Mind-Solutions to fight back | VSOF Civics and SovereigntyVocational Science of Freedom