10 months agoglad i didn't get baptized in a pool @ motel 6...i meant apostolic not anglican btwkaleidoscopeANON
1 year ago#543 UntetheredLive ChillStream - Rumble Channel, Cracks In The Matrix, Chat-a-Tat - Wed. 830pm EstUntetheredLive Bible Study
1 year ago#523 UntetheredLive ChillStream - Wednesday - How I Learn New Songs, You Pick a Tune, Chat-a-TatUntetheredLive Bible Study
1 year ago#525 UntetheredLive ChillStream - Wednesday - How I Learn Songs, You Pick The Tune, Chat-a-TatUntetheredLive Bible Study
2 years ago#466 UntetheredLive ChillStream Friday - Movies To See, Star Trek And Other Sci-Fi, Chit Chat-a-Tat.UntetheredLive Bible Study
1 year ago#537 UntetheredLive ChillStream - How Do All Things Fit Together, Chit Chat-a-Tat - Friday 830pm EstUntetheredLive Bible Study
1 year ago#571 UntetheredLive Bible Study - Samuel 27.7 - 2 Samuel 1.1 - Wednesday 830pm Est.UntetheredLive Bible Study
1 year agoevery authority figure told me not to smoke pot so...instincts supercede, damnitkaleidoscopeANON
1 year ago#559 UntetheredLive ChillStream - "Well, I'm Back and I'm Pissed Off" - Chit Chat - Wed 830pm Est.UntetheredLive Bible Study