Peter Navarro | Peter Navarro: Mark Your Calendar for February 27th!!! BEWARE of Chinese-Controlled W.H.O.’s Constitution Surpassing Attack On America's Sovereignty (See Description to Read Zero Draft of AGREEMENT) + WHO Is the WHO?
Culture War | Countries Demand the World Health Organization Pay to Play | Money for Pandemic Pathogens? | James Roguski | Lose Bodily Sovereignty When Traveling? | How to Activate LOCALLY to Protect Our Rights and Freedoms
Clay Clark | Who is J.D. Vance? | “He (J.D. Vance) is a Creature of Elon (Musk), Peter (Thiel), & David Sacks” - Kara Anne Swisher (Fortune Magazine) | Thrivetime Show | Reawaken America Tour
Carrie Prejean Boller | Canceled Miss California turned Mama Bear Delivers Fiery Speech to School Board Exposing Gender Indoctrination | Still Standing | Ephesians 5:11 - “Expose Them”