5 years agoPresident Trump "Our Nuclear Was Getting Very Tired! Now We Have It In TIPPY TOP SHAPE!"MOX NEWS
3 years agoSenator Malcolm Roberts says Covid-19 is not an excuse to wreck a nation.ASIA PACIFIC TODAY
3 years agoBiden Threepeat: Dissing His Main Backers (the Rich), Forgetting Aussie PM's Name, Punishing FloridaDon Khan Swaylo
4 years agoAustralia PM Receives a Fake 'Needless Jab' and Why Talking Vaccinations and Tennis DO NOT MixGlobal Agenda
3 years ago2021 NOV 01 Sacha Stone interviews Lt Col (Ret) Riccardo Bosi Nuremberg 2.0 Hangings are ComingFour Corner Ministries News through a Christian Filter
1 year agoCovid-19 was deliberately released on the populations by entities with intent.Vandollum1959