All Arizona LegislaTURDS, AdministraTURDS & Government Officials Receive Subpoenas To Provide Their OATHS + Starting A Citizen Grand Jury In Cochise County To Expose The Election Fraud On Nov 8th & Hold The Demons Accountable | MICHELE SWINICK
All Arizona LegislaTURDS, AdministraTURDS & Government Officials Receive Subpoenas To Provide Their OATHS + Starting A Citizen Grand Jury In Cochise County To Expose The Election Fraud On Nov 8th & Hold The Demons Accountable | MICHELE SWINICK
Barbie | Barbie, Ishtar & The Smashed Babies? "The Word Barbie Means Stranger or Foreigner...She Came from Post War Germany. She Was Taken from a German Doll Named Bild Lilli. Bild Lilli Was a Form of a Sex Doll." - Jonathan Cahn