1. we fight the chicken or we became fried chicken

    we fight the chicken or we became fried chicken

  2. extreme chicken and mission 15 and 16

    extreme chicken and mission 15 and 16

  3. Last day of Bunny Chasers

    Last day of Bunny Chasers

  4. jp server and momo talk

    jp server and momo talk

  5. Eden Treaty Story

    Eden Treaty Story

  6. Last Event before Genshin Impact Game

    Last Event before Genshin Impact Game

  7. JP event and challenge Mode

    JP event and challenge Mode

  8. Still Tag event and summer time in JP

    Still Tag event and summer time in JP

  9. get your bunnies and some power rangers gundam

    get your bunnies and some power rangers gundam

  10. Try Extreme if possible

    Try Extreme if possible

  11. mission 15 hard and 16 if possible

    mission 15 hard and 16 if possible

  12. lagging again really

    lagging again really

  13. I am mad due to lag issue that I have recently

    I am mad due to lag issue that I have recently

  14. level 15, shiro and kuro also japan server

    level 15, shiro and kuro also japan server

  15. This Guy Is Making $7,000 a Month, And You Can Too!

    This Guy Is Making $7,000 a Month, And You Can Too!

  16. Tag Event and New PVP

    Tag Event and New PVP

  17. Last Tag Event and Still Hot Summer in JP

    Last Tag Event and Still Hot Summer in JP

  18. I am really late to the Tea Party

    I am really late to the Tea Party

  19. Mission 15-5 3 star and mission 8 japan server

    Mission 15-5 3 star and mission 8 japan server

  20. last day of challenge and jp momo talk

    last day of challenge and jp momo talk