🔥🔥Hurricane Hysteria & BASED Leadership From Ron DeSantis. Also - The MAHA Townhall. Will Trump & RFK Jr. Address COVID Lockdowns & Vaccine Death & Injury?🔥🔥
ON DEMAND! From- Oct.10,'24: Covid Vaccine Fraud Injury and Death PART ONE. CDC reports over 3 Million Dead and Injured by Covid-19 Vaccines.. Only PFIZER and MODERNA disagree. Johnson and Johnson pulls the plug on its vax.
🔥🔥LIVE - Exclusive With Dr. Chris Martenson Of Peak Prosperity! From Medical Fascism, To Financial Warfare & A New 21st Century Slavery. Survival Guide 101!🔥🔥
I don't care what your religion is Or What your Hair Looks Like! Can we talk about how electronic warefare is your new e-health one-Health 4.0. System under SDG#3 Human Augmentation Biodigital Convergence?