3 months agoEpisode 476: The Wokuo Incursion, or How Dale Cozort has fun with timelines!Blasters and Blades Podcast
1 month agoEpisode 504: Yee Haw, Cowboy! Time to saddle up with space westerns!Blasters and Blades Podcast
3 months agoEpisode 481: Lets consider how fictional religions are represented in Speculative Fiction!Blasters and Blades Podcast
3 months agoEpisode 475: An Exodus Z Comic Book Kickstarter or Art With Friends!Blasters and Blades Podcast
11 months agoEpisode 357: Miss Mabel's School for Girls Kickstarter with Katie Cross!Blasters and Blades Podcast
1 year agoEpisode 350: Space Warlord Ollie Longchamps and his Shattered Empire!Blasters and Blades Podcast
9 months agoEpisode 384: Lets talk about the Alien Brides Series with CV Walter!Blasters and Blades Podcast
11 months agoEpisode 364: All about the man, they myth, the legendary Chuck Dixon!Blasters and Blades Podcast