Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks: MAC and Routing Protocols for Patient Monitoring under IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.15.6 - NASA Thz Biosensing nano (SAI)
UI Urbana: Loud-Mouthed Hypocrite Helps Draw 1st Crowd, Then 2nd Crowd Much Larger, More Volatile & Hostile, One Young Woman Greatly Encouraged by The Preaching, Contending w/ Atheists, Skeptics, Muslims, Jews & Hypocrites
UI Urbana: Young Agitated Black Man Helps Me Draw Crowd, Refuting Muslims Who Try To Claim Bible Contradictions, Exposing Atheist's Folly, Exalting Jesus Christ
UI Urbana: Very Angry & Loud Student Heckles Me And Draws 1st Crowd, Then Another Crowd of Atheists, Muslims, Lesbians, Perverts & Sincere Students Form, A Demon Possessed Student Chants In Front Of Me For 2.5 Hours, Young Man Prays w/ Me & Pa