Banking Collapse | EMERGENCY PODCAST | "FDIC Can't Handle This. The FDIC Insurance Fund Is 0.03% of Bank Deposits. $125 Billion of FDIC Liquidity Backing Up $9.5 Trillion of Deposits. If Just Two Banks Fail That's It. It's Gone."
VIDEO140B update 6 vid 141exposin this thug HIGH QUAL EXPOSIN THIS DOOR HANDLE DEETS FROM VID 139 who is this troll? Hillel Fuld SELF PROCLAIMED proud zionist-STUPID PRAT NOW ON MI6 GLOBAL RADAR
Entrepreneur Podcast | Life Is Not a Dress Rehearsal | "Remembering you are going to die is the best wayto avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart." - Steve Jobs
WEAK: How will Kamala handle Putin if she can't even handle a friendly CNN sit down without holding the hand of her emotional support Marxist Little Timmy Walz!?