1 year agoNo ONE is ready for what we're about to see and that's why they're trying to hide it | Redacted NewsRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoElon Musk just DESTROYED the WEF as globalists panic in Davos | Redacted with Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
1 year agoOH SH*T, It's starting. Putin launches MASSIVE military strike as war enters next phase | RedactedRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoThis DISASTER is much worse than they're telling us, could last decades | Redacted NewsRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoEverything changes in 4 days as Biden transfers power to Bill Gates backed W.H.O. | Redacted NewsRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoBreaking! New documents show the cover-up is even WORSE than we thought | Redacted News LiveRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoIt’s here and it’s MUCH worse than they’re telling us, the 2023 RECESSION has begun | redacted NewsRedacted NewsVerified
1 year agoThe Patriot Party Podcast I 2460159 Safety's Off I Live at 6pm ESTThe Patriot Party PodcastVerified
1 year agoSafety Wars Live 1-11-2024 Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Safety Smart GoalsSafetyWarsVerified
4 months agoDeath By A Thousand Cuts, Part 3 (1st Half): Hope for the Best, Prepare for the WorstAIFrannie
2 years agoThe world is on the precipice of violent change. Before the collapse seek the safety of silver.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoEVERYTHING changes in 6 days, and Biden will let disaster happen | Redacted w Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoIs Civil War next as Ukraine slides into chaos, just what NATO wants | Redacted with Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
2 years ago“They have NO idea what’s coming” - Putin issues WARNING to NATO | Redacted with Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
2 years ago"THEY'RE ALL GONE!" - Biden border visit a total joke, Fauci lies in new interview | Redacted LiveRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoFull Episode #61: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - The Man Who Built A MovementVaccine Safety Research FoundationVerified
2 years agoLIVE News + A Replay of Whistleblower Brook Jackson + Attorneys Warner Mendenhall & Robert BarnesVaccine Safety Research FoundationVerified
2 years agoOh SH*T, They just crossed the RED line and Putin readies response | Redacted with Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoThey DESTROYED the whole town for generations to come, get out now! | Redacted with Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoWEF Globalists gather in Davos with STUNNING new plans to control us | Redacted with Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoBREAKING! Elon Musk reveals new Russiagate corruption in latest Twitter files | Redacted News LiveRedacted NewsVerified
2 years agoDeep State Mafia scores major victory as Covid Mandates Return, Lockdowns next? | Redacted NewsRedacted NewsVerified
5 months ago“What REALLY happened to U.S. air defenses on 9/11 will shock you” | Redacted with Clayton MorrisRedacted NewsVerified