BRICS | Is BRICS Finding Their Feet? Why Do 81.5% of the Earth's Countries Have One Foot Out the Door When It Comes to the U.S. Dollar? Is World Getting Gold Feet About U.S. Dollar? Will U.S. Dollar Land On Its Feet?
Turkey | "Turkey, A Long-Standing U.S. Ally Has Officially Become the First NATO Country to Request BRICS Membership." + 81.5% of Earth's Countries Seeking to Join BRICs + 98% of Central Banks Preparing to Launch CBDC
Maui Fires | Why Were Satellites Launched And Monitored By the CCP Located Directly Above the Maui Fires At the Time of Ignition? Why Was NORAD 55836 Directly Over the Location? Why Does the CCP Have 60+ Gigawatt Lasers In Earth Orbit Now?