ITU: IoBNT At the center of this approach lies an emerging ICT framework, the Internet of Bio-NanoThings (IoBNT), envisioning the heterogeneous collaborative networks (HEALTHCARE)
They've had every step pre planned and triggered into motion all in this One Canadian Government Document - The Next Generation Of Emerging Global Challenges Policy Horizons | Horizons de politiques October 19, 2018
You took the jab? You are now a cDNA PATENTED HUMAN! 2013 Supreme Court Petition explaining RNA, mRNA, DNA, isolated DNA and cDNA and how cDNA, AND isolated DNA
"Chemical-Biological has merged with Cyber and AI. It is changing our ability for non-consent, Emergency Management, esablish NEW needs, values & norms" The emerging armamentarium of cognitive warfare. Dr. James Giordano July 3, 2024