CBDC | Why Is Russian State Media Reporting "New Money, New World?" + Joe Rogan, Ice Cube & General Flynn React to the World-Wide Introduction of Universal Basic Income, Central Bank Digital Currencies, & Social Credit Scores
General Flynn | Why Did the WHO & Gates Roleplay a Catastrophic Contagion Scenario? How Will CBDCs Be Implemented? The Connection Between Vaccine Passports, CBDCs, ESG Scores and Surveillance Under the Skin + Tammy Hotsenpiller
Military | Is the Military In Control? | Has the U.S. Military Become a WOKE Political Organization? Retired Lieutenant Colonel and Green Beret Ivan Raiklin Shares the TRUTH with Tucker Carlson
HIS GLORY | The Founder of HIS GLORY Dave Scarlett | Are CBDCs Around the Corner? Why Do Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, Stanford, Harvard & the Mainstream Media Celebrate Yuval Noah Harari? Are We Living Through the Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy?
Mike Adams | "I Have No Trust In Elon Musk. Soros & Klaus Schwab Are Human Skin Bag Impersonations of the Devil Himself. I Would Love to See A Debate Between RFK Jr & President Trump. Trump & RJK Jr. Would Tag Team the Moderator." -
SATAN | How Common Is Satanism In America Today? Are Katy Perry, Lil' Nas X, Sam Smith, Christian Bale, Black Jack, Lil Uze, Island Boy, Bob Dylan, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Hollywood, the Music Industry & Target Intentionally
Satan | Where Does Satan Dwell? Why Are the United Nations, the World Health Organization, GAVI (The Global Alliance for Vaccines & Immunizations), And the World Economic Forum All Based In Switzerland? Revelation 9-11 & Revelation 2-13
The Great Reset Versus The Great ReAwakening | Who Is the Real Enemy? Who Is the Real Bill Gates? Mikki Willis Describes the Divide and Conquer Strategy of Our Enemy.