Sabbath Bible Study: Daniel 9:27 Confirmation of The Covenant, 7 Year Tribulation, 7th Trumpet Rapture, 144,000 & The Two Witnesses, Donald Trump, Promise of Philadelphia
Trump's "Golden Age", Putin Calls For A New World Order, Trump's Israel Temple Coin, Trump's Biometric Tracking System, Noah-Hide Laws, Sanhedrin & Trump's Plan, It's Time To Wake Up, The 7 Year Tribulation
General Flynn | "This Shift to a New World Order Is Very Very Real." | Why President Trump's Decision to Run for President In 2024 Was a Great Thing for Our Country!
Shabbat Bible Study: The Tribulation, The Great Tribulation, The Rapture (7th Trumpet Resurrection), The 1000 Year Reign of Christ, The Final Armageddon, The Great White Throne Judgment, The New Heavens & New Earth All Found In Isaiah Chapters 24-30