1. I Warned You Democrats Would Federalise Elections. 'For The People' Act is Orwellian.

    I Warned You Democrats Would Federalise Elections. 'For The People' Act is Orwellian.

  2. Joe Confident Globalist Agenda Back on Track. Joe Cheers Migrants Taking Over America.

    Joe Confident Globalist Agenda Back on Track. Joe Cheers Migrants Taking Over America.

  3. The Mask is Off in California. Democrats Call For White Genocide.

    The Mask is Off in California. Democrats Call For White Genocide.

  4. Democrats Have No Principles. Don't expect Justice, Make It Happen.

    Democrats Have No Principles. Don't expect Justice, Make It Happen.

  5. Radicals Are Just Power Hungry Tyrants. Orwell Warned You About Them.

    Radicals Are Just Power Hungry Tyrants. Orwell Warned You About Them.

  6. Most People Recognise Evil. To Counter That Liberals Teach Tolerance.

    Most People Recognise Evil. To Counter That Liberals Teach Tolerance.

  7. The Only Reputation Democrats Have Is A Lairs, Hypocrites and Thieves.

    The Only Reputation Democrats Have Is A Lairs, Hypocrites and Thieves.

  8. Marxists Hates Family, God, and Sanity. Democrats Are Hypocrites and Liars.

    Marxists Hates Family, God, and Sanity. Democrats Are Hypocrites and Liars.

  9. Pelosi Is A Distraction, Mainstream Media is corrupt, White Genocide is Real.

    Pelosi Is A Distraction, Mainstream Media is corrupt, White Genocide is Real.

  10. BLM Again Terrorising American Police and Communities.

    BLM Again Terrorising American Police and Communities.

  11. Basement Joe Graces You With A Few Minutes Of His Time; Is Jill and Kamala in Charge?

    Basement Joe Graces You With A Few Minutes Of His Time; Is Jill and Kamala in Charge?

  12. Most Social Issues Are Never Solved Due to Victim Culture. Stop Pitying Fools.

    Most Social Issues Are Never Solved Due to Victim Culture. Stop Pitying Fools.

  13. The Biden's False Promises: More Jobs, Better Jobs, More Healthcare. Only The Rich Will Pay.

    The Biden's False Promises: More Jobs, Better Jobs, More Healthcare. Only The Rich Will Pay.

  14. Gun Registration is the First Step To Gun Confiscation. One Step Closer To Dystopia.

    Gun Registration is the First Step To Gun Confiscation. One Step Closer To Dystopia.

  15. Rules For Thee, Not For Me. Democrat Hypocrisy is A Threat To Democracy.

    Rules For Thee, Not For Me. Democrat Hypocrisy is A Threat To Democracy.

  16. Jackboot Joe has Signed Almost 3 Dozen Executive Orders.

    Jackboot Joe has Signed Almost 3 Dozen Executive Orders.

  17. It Is Not Enough To Win. The Left Never Want to Lose Again.

    It Is Not Enough To Win. The Left Never Want to Lose Again.

  18. Gun Control Is Just The Beginning. The Left Will Make Self Defence A Crime.

    Gun Control Is Just The Beginning. The Left Will Make Self Defence A Crime.

  19. Every Marxist is Just A Capitalist Not Wanting To Working For Their Wealth.

    Every Marxist is Just A Capitalist Not Wanting To Working For Their Wealth.

  20. The Left Hate You. They Want Revenge for the Imperfections of the Past.

    The Left Hate You. They Want Revenge for the Imperfections of the Past.

  21. Democrats Believe You’re An Idiot. In Short, They Believe They Are Superior.

    Democrats Believe You’re An Idiot. In Short, They Believe They Are Superior.

  22. GameStop Share Saga is Just the Beginning. Biden Administration Unstable.

    GameStop Share Saga is Just the Beginning. Biden Administration Unstable.

  23. Rome has Bread and Circus. Biden has Fear and Gaffs.

    Rome has Bread and Circus. Biden has Fear and Gaffs.

  24. Democrats Put Politics Before People. Your Safety Means Nothing to Them.

    Democrats Put Politics Before People. Your Safety Means Nothing to Them.
