2 years agotalking to my brother about spiritual things. JOIN THE PRIVATE CLASS TO LEARN MORE!RevolutionsForTomorrow
2 years agoPOWERFUL VIDEO with POWERFUL TRUTH (but is it for you?) - What are you willing to give up?RevolutionsForTomorrow
2 years agoIt's a dark world, and THE DARK TIMES HAVE JUST BEGUN which side are you onRevolutionsForTomorrow
2 years agoSTOP living with fleshly mentality (You Are DYING, not living) - Genesis 2;17RevolutionsForTomorrow
2 years agoBoundaries are required in order for people to get along (Dont freestyle)It never works. Roles existRevolutionsForTomorrow
2 years agoPEOPLE HAVE BEEN BODY-SNATCHED - It's time to get the last few sheep back!RevolutionsForTomorrow
2 years agoNever boast in your own greatness; Because that's the same as allowing SATAN IN.RevolutionsForTomorrow
2 years agoSinners Suspect The Righteous As Evil (TOTAL TOLERANCE IS SATANISM & THAT IS THE FALSE CHRISTIANITY)RevolutionsForTomorrow