COVID-19 Shots | What Is the Purpose of the COVID-19 Shots? The ENTIRE Intra-Body-Nano-Network-Administered-Through-Vaccines Transhumanism-The-Internet-of-Bodies-Central-Bank-Digital-Currency-Transhumanism-Great-Reset-Agenda-Explained (In 21 Minutes)
Ep.241 TRUMP: FBI SAYS BIDEN/KAMALA CAMPAIGN COLLUDED W/ IRAN TO SPY ON TRUMP! Gaetz: DHS Aware of 5 Hit Squads In US Targeting Trump! Biological Attack At AZ Trump Rally? Garland Vetoes Routh Attempted Assassination Charge!
CBDC | Why Is Russian State Media Reporting "New Money, New World?" + Joe Rogan, Ice Cube & General Flynn React to the World-Wide Introduction of Universal Basic Income, Central Bank Digital Currencies, & Social Credit Scores