The Great Reset Versus the Great ReAwakening | The Christian Prophets Versus Yuval Noah Harari (The Man Praised By Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, the New York Times, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, TEDTalks, James Corden, etc.)
Trump Indictment | Former U.S. Attorney General Discusses 5 Key Issues Related to the Trump Indictment: Who Is Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg? Who Is Michael Cohen? Who Is Stormy Daniels? Trump Charges? Will Trump Be Convicted?
Trump Mar-a-Lago Raid | Is the Best Yet to Come? + What Is the Connection Between Pop Music & Epstein, Between Monkeypox & Climate Change, Depopulation & The Great Reset?
CRISPR | CRISPR Gene-Editing 101 + Is Injecting mRNA Modifying Technology & CRISPR Gene Editing Into Humanity the Goal of "The Great Reset?" Featuring Musk, Schwab, Harari, Gates, Bourla, the 2016 X-Files Prophecy and More