1. The Bible Day 69: “Redemption & Holiness”(Psalm 31:19-24, Mark 15:1-32, Leviticus 21-22)

    The Bible Day 69: “Redemption & Holiness”(Psalm 31:19-24, Mark 15:1-32, Leviticus 21-22)

  2. The Bible Day 83: “Divine Justice & Mercy (Psalm 37:10-20, Luke 5:17-32, Numbers 16:36-18:32)

    The Bible Day 83: “Divine Justice & Mercy (Psalm 37:10-20, Luke 5:17-32, Numbers 16:36-18:32)

  3. 20,000 Persecuted Christians in Nicomedia 303AD/Faith's Hope, and The Cost of Discipleship ...

    20,000 Persecuted Christians in Nicomedia 303AD/Faith's Hope, and The Cost of Discipleship ...

  4. The Bible Day 62: “Divine Authority & Worship” ( Psalm 29:1-11, Mark 11:27-12:12, Leviticus 9-10:20)

    The Bible Day 62: “Divine Authority & Worship” ( Psalm 29:1-11, Mark 11:27-12:12, Leviticus 9-10:20)

  5. "The Lamb (Christ) Opens the Scroll" (Revelation 5 Study)

    "The Lamb (Christ) Opens the Scroll" (Revelation 5 Study)

  6. Acts 3 Study- A Lame Man Is Healed: Jesus Gives us Spiritual Wealth…

    Acts 3 Study- A Lame Man Is Healed: Jesus Gives us Spiritual Wealth…

  7. Acts 16: Paul meets Timothy, and Paul and Silas are Jailed.

    Acts 16: Paul meets Timothy, and Paul and Silas are Jailed.

  8. The Bible: Day 23- “The Keys of the Kingdom” (Psalm 14, Matthew 16:1-20, & Genesis 45:1-47:12)

    The Bible: Day 23- “The Keys of the Kingdom” (Psalm 14, Matthew 16:1-20, & Genesis 45:1-47:12)

  9. Lift And Be Lifted, You Gates And Doors // Kingdom Embassy LA // 8.24.2023

    Lift And Be Lifted, You Gates And Doors // Kingdom Embassy LA // 8.24.2023

  10. Infinite Powers And Anti-Christ Antidote // Kingdom Embassy LA // 8.25.2023

    Infinite Powers And Anti-Christ Antidote // Kingdom Embassy LA // 8.25.2023

  11. The Bible Day 52: Morality:“The Consequences of Choices” Proverbs 5:15-23, Mark 6:6-29, Exodus 29-30

    The Bible Day 52: Morality:“The Consequences of Choices” Proverbs 5:15-23, Mark 6:6-29, Exodus 29-30
