The Alien Love Bite: How ET’s Manipulate Human Relationships and False Twin Flames in Abduction Programs | Eve Lorgen on Michael Salla's "Exopolitcs Today"
SIGHTINGS: A Toxic Killer in Area 51??, What Crashed into Shag Harbour in Nova Scotia Canada?, Proof of Intelligent Life on Mars, Dramatic UFO Encounter Over Iran, Sand Rings (AKA Crop Circles in Sand), and More! [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
Invasion of the Saucer Men (1957 Full Movie) | Summary: Diminutive aliens run into teenage opposition when their invasion plans land them in a rural lovers' lane.
Alien Trespass (2009 Full Movie) [A Comedy That Mocks Sci-Fi B Films of the 1950's] | Dir.: R.W. Goodwin; Cast: Eric McCormack, Jenni Baird, Robert Patrick.
MOST IMPORTANT Video You'll See the Rest of 2023(?) — WHAT Are You REALLY Doing Here in 3D? And the "Fallen Angels", What is Their Role? YOU ARE HERE COLLECTING DATA. Enough Data Collected = Taking "Life" WAAAY Less Serious.
What Happened After the Fall of Atlantis, Who are the Lemurians in Comparison, Can America Fulfill it’s Destiny as the New Atlantis without Failing/Falling? + The Significance of the Year 2012!