FULL: President Trump Delivers Powerful Victory Speech After Winning The Presidency FOR THE 3RD TIME, Nonetheless Securing a 2nd Term as POTUS 47 2025–2028!
GEMINI ♊️ June 2022 — Flat Out: Someone Wants Forgiveness, Another Chance, and LONGEVITY! There is Already a Purity Between You, and a Further Purification Will Take Place.
Happy S🌞NDAY of ["Worship!"] (AKA Drama/Ancient PsyOp & Self-Hatred) | Mankind's ACTUAL Divinity/Origins REVEALED! — Billy Carson on Next Level Soul Podcast
Return to Oz (1985 Full Movie) | Fantasy/Dark Adventure/Light Horror [Actually TRUER to Creator L. Frank Baum's Oz Novels Than the Beloved Musical Movie of 1939] | Fairuza Balk, Piper Laurie, Jean Marsh, Thomas Nicol Williamson.
Secret Agent of Reagan and Obama AND Who Later DIRECTLY Suggested to President Trump in 2020 "INVOKE THE INSURRECTION ACT" (of Course Trump Didn't—BOOO!) Goes Public and Warns Election-Theft is in High Gear! | Patrick Byrne