Bryan Kofron Former Private Security Industry Specialist: This video & Supporting Links In The Description 👇 should explain why they pre-made and mandated a jab that doesn't 'appear" to do anything!
Lindsey Graham and John McCain motivation speech for the AZOV NAZIS in 2016 - EUROPE, USA & CANADIAN GOVERNMENT'S ARE ALL ZIONIST WAR CRIMINALS! #TRUTH
HUMAN ENHANCEMENT - Ethical Reflections on Emerging Nanobio-technologies Report on an Expert Working Group on Converging Technologies for Human Functional Enhancement NanoBio-RAISE EC FP6 Science and Society Co-ordination Action
Former ethics researcher at the W.H.O, Astrid Stuckelburger, PhD, sheds light on how our top world health agencies have used the COVID-19 pandemic to push a dangerous globalist agenda.