TruthStream #208 Friday Night Live! with Dylan Monroe the Map Maker. Israeli conflict, Judaism, Elon Musk, Awakening, Q comms, real JFK JR? Real Bono? Vril, Reptiles, NPC's, Entertainment industry, Cheers to all the misfits!
TruthStream #209 Brad Olsen, Friday Night Live! Brad covers Antartica, DUMB's, ET's, MedBeds etc til 2:15:00 then Joe and Scott free flow with the audience til the end
TruthStream #243 Stanford Graham: An incredible conversation on our 12 senses and synchronicity. He is a wonderful human who sheds light on David Martin's 12 senses workshop. He is also a humanitarian, entrepreneur and connector.
TruthStream #228 Chuck Swindoll: A brilliant source of info for the awakening process. Philosophy, the Khazarian Mafia & much more. Chuck first two hours then Joe, Scott and Kevin Freeflow
TruthStream #229 Kerry Cassidy edited version of 2/2/24 live: Portals, Clones, Juan O Savin debate etc. To see Joe, Scott and Kevin shoot the sh!t go to the previous upload at 1:54
#151 Jaw dropping info: the Beatles, Tavistock Institute, Aleister Crowley w/Mike Williams (Sage of Quay): The Music Industry, Who wrote the songs? Who played drums?