General Flynn | Is the “Mid-Term” COVID-19 Variant Here? | EXCLUSIVE: 'This I Playing with Fire - It Could Spark a Lab-Generated Pandemic': Experts Slam Boston Lab Where Scientists Have Created a New Deadly Covid Strain with an 80% Kill Rate
General Flynn & Thomas Renz | BRICS | What Happens to the Petrodollar When Saudi Arabia Joins BRICS? Why Is the UK’s New Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Pushing Programmable CBDC’s? + The White Van Song
IDENTITà DIGITALE IN OGNI STATO..L'AGENDA DIGITALE 2030 perchè ora dovresti preoccuparti DOCUMENTARIO perchè essendo tutto digitale oltre ad avere i dati e le impronte in un database sanno sempre dove ti trovi,tralasciando la sorveglianza di massa