Florida Atlantic University: Lots of Curious Students, Muslim Asks Me Why I Reject Islam, I Rebuke A Wicked Student Who Calls Apostle Paul Demonic, A Lively Day of Preaching Jesus!
Daniel Lee, Why Are You Causing So Much Division And Strife Among The Brethren? Many Have Asked Me This Recently. AND NOW I AM GOING TO GIVE A FULL BIBLICAL ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION (Matthew 10, Psalm 73, 1st Corinthians 2, Revelation 22, Exodus 20)
Friday Night Shabbat: Update on John Bellesorte, Jesus Has Given Me The Gift Of Celibacy -- My Updated Article On Why Jesus Is Angry With America: A History of the USA
Guy Kawasaki | Working Directly for Steve Jobs: From the Jewelry Store to Selling the Dream for Jobs & Apple + Why You Must Look for Employee Candidates That "GET IT!" + "Steve Jobs Was More Japanese Than Me." + Ryan Wimpey Success