MUST SEE: Atlantis And The Journey Of The Soul (Full Long-Form Documentary) | Includes The Humanoid Form Created for the Soul, ET Races, The Human Race(s), The Illuminati and The Luminari, Satan Vs. Lucifer, The End Days, and More!
MUST SEE: Dr. Robert Epstein’s Recorded Data Reveals How Google is Controlling YOU, But Something IS Being Done About it! | Classical Liberal Who Doesn't Like Trump Working to Restore Fair Elections Because He Likes Truth/Freedom More Than He Disli
The God of the Bible.. is Satan. | Billy Carson’s METICULOUS Breakdown. This #ZenMaster Wants All the Christians Here for This Video.. so He can Take Them to School 😂 Just for Today, I Agree—DON’T COME HERE OTHERWISE.
MOST IMPORTANT Video You'll See the Rest of 2023(?) — WHAT Are You REALLY Doing Here in 3D? And the "Fallen Angels", What is Their Role? YOU ARE HERE COLLECTING DATA. Enough Data Collected = Taking "Life" WAAAY Less Serious.