1 year agoThe Torah, Gospels and Quran must be read together | التوراة والإنجيل والقرآن يجب قراءتهم معاًTheMahdiHasAppeared
3 months agoWho can defend Allah, Gabriel Angel, Shaytan, Quran or Mohammed D Prophet of Allah?Come up now!🫣thebignoseoflondon
1 year agoImam Mahdi, Dajjal and Surah Al Kahf | الإمام المهدي، الدجال، وسورة الكهفTheMahdiHasAppeared
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1 year agoConsummation of Infant & Child Marriage in Islamic Law. A Detailed Analysis of Legalised PaedophiliaLloydDeJongh
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