Abe Hamadeh WON Attorney General Of Arizona! 3 Types Of PROOF…Kris Mayes Is ILLEGITIMATE! Maricopa County STOLE Nov 8, 2022 & 2020 Elections From The People Of Arizona…Time To FILE A Rule 60b6 & Take Your Seat ABE! FIGHT For Our Votes NOW!
Cathie Wood | "It Is a Global Monetary System. It Is a Very Big Idea. Big Professor, Mentor, Friend...A Rules Based Global Monetary System." - Cathie Wood (Ark Invest - 1/28/2025) "A Perfect Record of Every Transaction."
307: 2000 MULES & DINESH D'SOUZA - Truth Bombs, Election Fraud Facts & What To Do Next + DIEGO RODRIGUEZ - BABY CYRUS Kidnapped By CPS & The Case Was Just DISMISSED!
Golden Rule | "He Who Has the Gold Makes the Rules." | Why Did the Bank of International Settlements Make Gold a Tier One Asset In 2019? "Since WWII There Has Been One Tier One Asset, the U.S. Dollar." - Schectman + Kiyosaki
Mark of the Beast | Why Did Musk Post? "Would You Still Love Me If I Was a Worm God Emperor Ruling the Universe?" "Gov Comes In & Says That I'm Going to Make It Easier for You. But, I'm Going to Need You to Have a Digital ID.&