#213 Arizona Grassroots Call For The Military Of The United States To Do Their Job & Protect Us From Enemies...Of Course The Politicians & Candidates Have Done NOTHING! | DANIEL WOOD
#161 AZ Senator Wendy "Dodgers" Rogers REFUSES To Do Her Job, Grifts $3.3 Million On Fake Election Integrity & Has A Dirty Deed Problem | MICHELE SWINICK & ANN VANDERSTEEL
Branding 101 | “If you give someone a present, and you give it to them in a Tiffany box, it’s likely that they’ll believe that the gift has higher perceived value than if you gave it to them in no box or a box of less prestige.” Michael Levine
Business | "He (Clay Clark) Has Helped Us Increase Our Revenue By Over 300% In Less Than a Year So Far. Clay Clark Has Helped Us with Every Aspect of Our Business from Hiring to Training to Marketing and Even Accounting." - Rachel & Tyler
Business | "Clay Clark Has Helped Us to DOUBLE the Size of Our 30-Year Old Church In Less Than 2 Years. Having Clay As a Mentor, Clay Coaches Me Through Processes and Systems. They Take Care of All of Our Graphics, Ads, etc." - Pastor Goins
Business Podcasts | 5 PRACTICAL & POWERFUL MOVES YOU CAN USE TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS NOW!!! + Learn How Clay Clark Was Able to Coach Ronnie Morales Brothers Construction to 57% Growth In Less Than 10 Months
Business Podcasts | Celebrating the DOUBLING of the Profits of HighwayManSigns.com, “It’s Less Than Minimum Wage & You Are Offering So Much!!!” How Clay Clark’s Proven Marketing, Hiring & Business Processes Has Changed Their Business