Is REVOLUTION Happening Again?: The Illuminati Vs. Independence Day — Jean Nolan, “Inspired”. | WE in 5D: I Agree with Everything Jean Nolan is Sharing Here!
So, The White Hats are The Illuminati without the Child Sacrifice — Big Whoop.. Your Life isn't Going to Change, You'll Still Be Taxed When TAXATION IS THEFT, and the World isn't Going to 5D/New Earth This Way! | Jean Nolan, INSPIRED.
April 8th: CERN Attempts to Shift the Timeline! — Jean Nolan’s “Inspired” | WE in 5D- Your Meditations Now to Harness the Moon/Eclipse Energies (The Same The Illuminati Are Always Hijacking) Have Never Been So Important!
Ola Wolny Argues: The Zodiac is Used Wrong, the Illuminati Hijacked Earth to Make it a Prison Planet Instead of the School it's Meant to be, and the Resulted HEAVY Challenge was Not Meant to be. | Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio