Cisco, your precious Blockchain and DarkWeb fairy tales - Hey "EX Pharma" FED Whores We're Comming For Your Following And We Have All The Recipts! YOU BETTER UP YOUR RESEARCH!
Technology & Society: Implantable Technology - Turning the Body Into a Wire IEEE Spectrum - W.H.O. Human Gene Editing Advisory Committee - Global One Health - Biodigital Convergence - Human A.I. Machine Learning (WBAN)
AI for Personalized Medicine - Professor Emami talks about the recent works and progresses on the implementation of the AI and ML algorithms in neuroscience and the technologies that comprise them. She also covers Brain-Machine Interfaces.
This is for those showing the blood microscopy and spectroscopy because this document lays out the routing, aggregation and signal propogation of Thz nano networks in situ.