Pre-Broken Soul Madonna Specific on Our Matrix: ‘IT’S A SETUP UNTIL YOU’RE FED UP!’ + Spirituality, Children, and the Middle East. And Roseanne Fans Will Note She and Madonna Shared the Same Kabbalah Teacher. “Nobody Knows Me” by Madonna.
Sean David Morton on Journey to Truth Podcast [Part 1] EP #247 | How Trump REALLY Lost 2020, The Balancing of Your Masculine/Feminine Energy, Remote Viewing, and Cabal Agendas! (Part 2 Linked in Description)
Reptilian on a Plane.. Woman Freaks Out! — WE in 5D Comments: IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT RESONANT FREQUENCY.. Here are the Details on Frequency + Where Does Satanism Vs. Luciferianism Vs. Krystic Consciousness Fall in This?