Dog Training | Charles Ulrich Shares How Clay Clark Has Helped Him to Achieve Success In Both His Concrete Pumping Business & His Dog Training Franchise | “Without the Weekly Calls There Would Be a Slow Implosion." - Charles Ulrich
Sisters of Light Protect the System Itself, Supernatural Spiritual Warfare + Protector Assassins, 6 Departments Run by the Head Protector, Werewolves and Vampires are 2 of them + Protector Battles, Training Partner vs Police Chief and Magick Healing
Business | Learn How Clay Clark Coached Greg & Dawn's Into TRIPLING the Size of Their Business By Implementing Clay's Proven Accounting, Marketing, & Hiring Systems "You Could Not Possibly Spend Better Money."
Jessie Was Led to Believe That Her Training Partner Was Killed + The System Engaged in Major Gaslighting + Jessie Had a Weird Vision, "Did You Think That I (God) Could Not Raise Him From 'the Dead'?"