BREAKING: Q. EVERYTHING You Wanted to Know (and DIDN'T Want to Know/and Were Too Scared to Know/and Were Not Sovereign Enough to Want to Know/and Didn't Know Thyself Well Enough to Choose the REAL Red Pill) HERE in This Video + FAUX-Esotericism!
Yahweh, the Gaslighting Narcissist Reptilian Satanist of the Old Testament, No Better Than Ba’al, and in Cahoots with the Annunaki—EXPOSED by Ex-Pastor Who Read the Sumerian Tablets! | Regina Meredith Interviews Paul Wallis
Why Trump is Polling Better Than EVER, DeSantis Catering to Conservative NPC's, American PC Culture (Left and Right) Vs. Old-Time European Classical Liberalism (Pre-Today's Stripped Liberty), Cheating Strategies of the Dems, + What is a CUNT?
President Trump “Plays with Fire”? Well, He’s Certainly Reached the Point of Angry‼️ Alex Jones’ Weighs in! “Justice be Done Though the Heavens May Fall!” (3/24/23)
Russell Brand Allegedly Raped Numerous Women. WELL, ALLEGEDLY, BLUE BLOOD "ELITES" RAPE MINORS AS A LIFESTYLE. | Here are the Letters That Blue Bloods and Totalitarians Sent Rumble, and Here's Rumble's Superb Response!
Tucker Carlson: "I'm Happy to Say Most Democrats are Bad, BUT I Wouldn't be Sincere if I Say Most Republicans are Good!" | Glenn Greenwald Interviews Tucker on Global Populism, the Censorship-Industrial Regime, Israel, and Ukraine.
Starseed Grieves the Ending of a Relationship 💔 But Remains as Positive as Possible During the Healing Process + Telepathy with His Guides! | Phil Good 2/13/23–Present