Israel's Surgical Strike & Warning To Iran, Iran Downplays Israel's Strike, FBI Claims Chinese Hackers Preparing To Attack US Infrastructure, Uranus-Jupiter Conjunction Signals WW3 Is Just Ahead
The Attempted Hijacking of the Spiritual Community Through [the Either Awfully Naive —OR— Fake “Guru” Sold Soul] Jay Shetty; the Like-Oprah Law of Attraction Exploiter! | Full Michelle Obama Interview with Jay Shetty
Destroying God's Temple | How the mRNA Modifying Shots Are Designed to Hijack His Creation, to Destroy HIS Image, to Remove His Signature and Transform the Human Body Into a Genetically Modified Part Human Part Computer
Destroying God's Temple | "Destroying God's Temple | How the mRNA Modifying Shots Are Designed to Hijack His Creation, to Destroy HIS Image, to Remove His Signature and Transform the Human Body Into a Genetically Modified Human."
CERN Scientist Claim: "We Could Destroy The Universe..." — Jean Nolan’s “Inspired” | WE in 5D: Your Meditations Now to Harness the Moon/Eclipse Energies (The Same The Illuminati Are Always Hijacking) Have Never Been So Important!