Smart Dust and Sensory Swarms and OpenWSN: Open-Source Standards-Based Protocol Stacks for Wireless Mesh Networks Speaker: Kris Pister Prof. EECS, UC Berkeley Founder & Chief Technologist Dust Networks, a Linear company
6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems - INTERNET OF BioNanoThings FOR HEALTH APPLICATIONS IAN F. AKYILDIZ , (Fellow, IEEE), Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute
A.I. Generating Dreams & Turning Wi-Fi Routers Into Cameras to See Through Walls - Using THZ to sense objects in the real world "The Network As The Sensor Connecting Human & Digital Worlds" 2024 NOKIA BELL LABS 6G
DARPA Wireless DNA Targeted Quantum Mind Control. The Infinity Machine Digital Slavery and Sentient World Simulation. The Real Neuralink is DNA-link via Starlink