1. Marshall U: Jezebel Witch Tries To Stop My Preaching To All the Little Children Gathered on Campus For A Friday Festival, I Rebuke Her and Her Ahab Lackey, Woman in Blue Filled With the Holy Spirit Blesses Me, Sinners Crank Up Their Satanic Music

    Marshall U: Jezebel Witch Tries To Stop My Preaching To All the Little Children Gathered on Campus For A Friday Festival, I Rebuke Her and Her Ahab Lackey, Woman in Blue Filled With the Holy Spirit Blesses Me, Sinners Crank Up Their Satanic Music

  2. Leaving the New Age, Witchcraft, Ayahuasca and the Occult for Jesus | A True Story

    Leaving the New Age, Witchcraft, Ayahuasca and the Occult for Jesus | A True Story

  3. Univ of Michigan: Rebuking Mocker As The Holy Spirit Gives Me A Word of Knowledge/Wisdom For This Mocker, Curious Student Examines My Banner, Takes Pics, Multitudes, Multitudes In The Valley of Decision, I Warn of The Coming Judgments Upon the USA!

    Univ of Michigan: Rebuking Mocker As The Holy Spirit Gives Me A Word of Knowledge/Wisdom For This Mocker, Curious Student Examines My Banner, Takes Pics, Multitudes, Multitudes In The Valley of Decision, I Warn of The Coming Judgments Upon the USA!

  4. Stony Brook Univ (Long Island, NY): Police Test Me But I Hold My Ground, Holy Spirit Helps Me Draw a Huge Crowd, Police Return, Crowd Swells To Over 100 Students, Lesbians, Trans, Homosexuals, Hypocrites, Muslims, Jews All Oppose Me, Crowd Goes Wild!

    Stony Brook Univ (Long Island, NY): Police Test Me But I Hold My Ground, Holy Spirit Helps Me Draw a Huge Crowd, Police Return, Crowd Swells To Over 100 Students, Lesbians, Trans, Homosexuals, Hypocrites, Muslims, Jews All Oppose Me, Crowd Goes Wild!

  5. UConn: Holy Spirit Helps Me Gather A Crowd of 70-75 Students, Contending w/ Atheists, Agnostics & Sinning-Defending Hypocrites -- Laboring Over The Truth That True Christians Live Sinless Through The Power of Christ!!!!

    UConn: Holy Spirit Helps Me Gather A Crowd of 70-75 Students, Contending w/ Atheists, Agnostics & Sinning-Defending Hypocrites -- Laboring Over The Truth That True Christians Live Sinless Through The Power of Christ!!!!

  6. Large Crowd Forms At 2 Hr & 9 Min Mark, Holy Spirit Manifests, I Pray For Homosexual Student To Get Deliverance, Rebuking Hypocrites, Anti-Christ Trump, 7 Year Tribulation, Daniel's 70th Week, Marcus Follows Me & CRIES OUT For Salvation!

    Large Crowd Forms At 2 Hr & 9 Min Mark, Holy Spirit Manifests, I Pray For Homosexual Student To Get Deliverance, Rebuking Hypocrites, Anti-Christ Trump, 7 Year Tribulation, Daniel's 70th Week, Marcus Follows Me & CRIES OUT For Salvation!

  7. University of Maryland: Started Out With Calm Conversations w/ Small Groups, Then I Rebuked A Proud Muslim for Muhammed's Pedophilia, Holy Spirit Tells Me To Throw My Koran On The Ground and Stomp On It, Draws Large Crowd, I Rebuke A Hypocrite

    University of Maryland: Started Out With Calm Conversations w/ Small Groups, Then I Rebuked A Proud Muslim for Muhammed's Pedophilia, Holy Spirit Tells Me To Throw My Koran On The Ground and Stomp On It, Draws Large Crowd, I Rebuke A Hypocrite

  8. WVU: Mocking Agnostic Soon Turns Sober As He Agrees to An Hour Conversation & By The End He Thanks Me -- Holy Spirit Really Worked Powerfully Today -- Another Catholic Student w/ Humble Heart Meekly Receives The Word, Just An AWESOME Day on Campus!

    WVU: Mocking Agnostic Soon Turns Sober As He Agrees to An Hour Conversation & By The End He Thanks Me -- Holy Spirit Really Worked Powerfully Today -- Another Catholic Student w/ Humble Heart Meekly Receives The Word, Just An AWESOME Day on Campus!

  9. WVU: Holy Spirit Took Over As A Number of Students Sit, Listen and Seem To Come Under Intense Conviction, Oliver Blesses Me w/ Encouragement, Trey A Sophomore Expresses Interest In Joining My Zoom Room Prayer Meeting Online Church

    WVU: Holy Spirit Took Over As A Number of Students Sit, Listen and Seem To Come Under Intense Conviction, Oliver Blesses Me w/ Encouragement, Trey A Sophomore Expresses Interest In Joining My Zoom Room Prayer Meeting Online Church

  10. Catholic Priest Dies and Returns with a SHOCKING Message from Jesus!

    Catholic Priest Dies and Returns with a SHOCKING Message from Jesus!

  11. Interview: Shelbi Mullen (New Age, Jesus, Witnessing, Holy Spirit)

    Interview: Shelbi Mullen (New Age, Jesus, Witnessing, Holy Spirit)

  12. The essential truth of Christianity concerning Jesus Christ part 2 | Wednesday night

    The essential truth of Christianity concerning Jesus Christ part 2 | Wednesday night
