The Nexus of Innovation > Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils | World Economic Forum - As the Fourth Industrial Revolution advances, foundational technology domains are (CONVERGING) to create new opportunities
On todays episode of Sabrina and nonvaxer420 were correct ~ SynBio for Human Health: Making Biology Easier to Engineer with Jason Kelly at SynBioBeta 2023
Dr. Bige Deniz Unluturk - 10/06/2023 - Molecular Communication Platforms at Multiple Scales "Thanks to synthetic biology, we can engineer living cells as biosensor devices and thanks to MEMS &nanotechnology"
WINLAB - Josep Miguel Jornet UN-LAB "The Internet of Nano-Things" 2021 "Nanotechnology promises new solutions for many applications in the biomedical, industrial and military fields as well as in consumer and industrial goods"
30 May 2023 AM Show - Lindsey Graham Joyful Over Dead Russians - Liz Cheney Heckled: Youth Are Awake - Discernment is Key as AI Proliferates - We Are on a Battlefield: Act Now