A.I. Mass Surveillance: The Next Chapter in Censorship! + Libs FULLY Aligned with The Illuminati as They Admit: "Deep State is Awesome!" | Former Trump State Dept. Official and Cyber Expert, Mike Benz on Don Jr.'s TRIGGERED.
The Alien Love Bite: How ET’s Manipulate Human Relationships and False Twin Flames in Abduction Programs | Eve Lorgen on Michael Salla's "Exopolitcs Today"
Earth without Oil, Remote Viewing BEYOND 2023 and Timeline Shifts Vs. Creating Your Reality [YOU ARE Creating the Timeline Shifts!!] — Note: The Information Given on Remote Viewing is EXACTLY the Same Way to Understand the Use of Tarot! | Gregg Braden
What Exactly Does This Bitch Want Republicans to Do—NOT Send Illegal Migrants to Sanctuary Cities? Nooooo No No No No‼️ Shoulda Thought About That Before Selling Your Soul for the "Perks" of the Role of Pro-Illegal Immigrant Governor!
RFK Jr. Confirms He Was Asked by the Trump Campaign if He Would Consider Being VP. So Now What? So Far Not a Lot. If RFK Jr. Would Consider it, Are They Waiting for Strategic Timing of Some Sort, or is He Doing His Own Thing Completely?
Tucker Carlson: "I'm Happy to Say Most Democrats are Bad, BUT I Wouldn't be Sincere if I Say Most Republicans are Good!" | Glenn Greenwald Interviews Tucker on Global Populism, the Censorship-Industrial Regime, Israel, and Ukraine.
From Venus He Came with a Divine Plan in Mind: Valiant Thor—“Stranger at the Pentagon” (The Story is Often Seen by Some as an Opportunity for 5D Quickening Not Quite Ready Yet to be Taken Advantage of).