Flying Disc Man from Mars (1950 Full 12-Chapter TV Series) [Sci-Fi/Adventure] | SUMMARY: An Eccentric Scientist agrees to help a Martian repair his spacecraft and conquer Earth... in exchange for Atomic Secrets!
Turns into an Intense Vaccine Debate—The Female Host Even (and it’s Rare for Me to Say the Next Word in Reference to Trump) FOOLISHLY Praises Trump for “Operation Warp Speed”! | RFK Jr. Interviewed on the "Breaking Points” Podcast (5/17/23)
Spaced Invaders (1990 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Comedy | Summary: Believing they're supposed to invade Earth, goofy little green martians land in Illinois on Halloween.
“An Assessment" Report: NATO's Military Study and Analysis of Alien Presence Implications on Earth! | Bob Dean Interviewed by Regina Meredith (Flashback Interview)
Ola Wolny Argues: The Zodiac is Used Wrong, the Illuminati Hijacked Earth to Make it a Prison Planet Instead of the School it's Meant to be, and the Resulted HEAVY Challenge was Not Meant to be. | Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio
“DISEASE X OUTBREAK” + MORE: Right on Time to Disrupt The New Trump Admin and Plunge Earth Deeper into Crisis. We Faces A Triple [+ Bonus] Threat From The Illuminati: 1. WW3, 2. New Plandemic, 3. Staged Race War, and [Bonus] Project Blue Beam! (12/10/