Jim Breuer | Is It Too Soon to Laugh?! Experience Jim Breuer's EPIC COVID-19 Common Sense Comedy | Jim Drops the Mic, Throws the Mic and Then Flattens the Mic!!! The Great Reset Versus The Great ReAwakening
Speaker Of The House | Is the Republican Party Choosing a World Economic Forum Member to Become the Speaker of the House? PRO TIP: When In Doubt, DON'T VOTE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM MEMBERS INTO LEADERSHIP POSITIONS
Amanda Grace | What's Wrong With That?!! The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development to Introducing New 10 Commandments from the Mt. Sinai (On November 13th 2022)? Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "The 10 Commandments Endorse Slavery."
Liz Crokin | Liz Crokin the Investigative Journalist That Broke PIZZAGATE Joins the ReAwaken America Tour January 20th & 21st Nashville, TN!!! (Only 887 Tickets Remaining)